Andrew Garon


My name is Andrew Garon, and I'm from Houston, Texas. When I was younger, I began swimming and have continued to do so through this day. I went to Clear Springs High School swam both on varsity as well as a club team, and was endorsed in STEM. My senior year I committed to swim and study at Louisiana State University, where I currently attend. As a junior, I am studying Computer Engineering, and on the LSU Men's Swimming and Diving Team.
I'm interested in learning both hardware and software. I enjoy the challenges and problem-solving that comes with the Work I do in the classroom, and eventually in the field. Persistent, determined, and willing to learn through failure. I am always looking for ways to improve, succeed, and make a positive difference.


Data Structure Portfolio

A portfolio I created while taking Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms, this project contains 9 data structures and 2 sorting algorithms made with C#. Dynamic Array, Singly Linked List, Stack, Queue, Binary Search Tree, Dequeue Hash Table, AVL Tree, and Red-Back Tree are all included, as well as sorting algorithms such as Merge Sort and Bubble Sort.



Phone Number: 281-896-2750


Instagram: @andrewgaron_

Handshake: Andrew Garon

If I have seen further than others it is by standing on the shoulders of giants. - Isaac Newton